Monday, November 18, 2019

Innovation and Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Innovation and Sustainability - Essay Example Therefore, this paper will explore two consumption and two production habits of humans that are related to the material resources. In addition, it will give recommendations on sustainable ways of producing and consuming these resources for the purpose of the present and future generation. Population growth continuously affects consumption of materials and environmental resources. With exponential growth, population density increases in a region. The number of population per 1000 population highly determines the amount of consumption of goods that come from the environment. Agricultural production of goods has to be increased with any increase in birth rates in a population. Going by the current trend, every household and in some cases every individual who can attain a driving license has a car especially in the US, which means more fuel consumption, hence, more exploitation of crude oil (Segger, 2011). Technology has contributed a lot to consumption of most goods. It is with technology that humans are able to consume coal out of a coal mine. Fuels that produce green house gases come as a result of the power of machines in exploitation and cutting down of trees which are a great source of carbon sink. All this is done just to satisfy human needs of consumption. For example, trees are cut down for building purposes and for fuel, while exploitation of fuels like petrol and diesel from crude oil is mainly for the current increase of vehicles on the road (Segger, 2011). Advancement of industrial revolution has immensely encouraged high production rate of consumer goods. With advanced technology, more agricultural goods can be produced due to the presence of technologies that can be used like those used to manufacture chemical fertilizers for the unfertile soils. Thus, more agricultural goods are being produced currently, despite the health impacts that some of the production methods like GMO have on human health (Segger,

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