Saturday, December 21, 2019

Aristotle s Theory Of Friendship - 1415 Words

â€Å"No one would choose a friendless existence on condition of having all the other things in the world (Aristotle).† Humans are social beings, social beyond any other creature in the world. Human interaction is a must for survival. It is in our nature. Aristotle understood this, he even had his own analysis of friendship. In the Nicomachean Ethics written by Aristotle, books VIII and IX are based off of friendship. Today, the definition of a friend is, â€Å"A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations (Oxford Dictionary).† To Aristotle, friendship is much more than this. In this research paper, I will evaluate whether or not Aristotle’s analysis of friendship is applicable to the†¦show more content†¦Aristotle is known for categorizing many of his philosophies, and friendship is one of them. Friendship is categorized into three categories: friendships of utility, friendships of pleasure, and friendships of the good. These categories all describe the types of friends you will or have experienced in your life. Some friends necessary, and others not so much. The first category is friendships of utility. In this type of friendship, both or one of people in the relationship benefit each other. Aristotle describes these friends as shallow, easily dissolved, or for the old. People of older age are a perfect example of this because at an old age, people are at a time where they need to depend on benefits over pleasure. These types of friendships are established with no regard to the other person. They are established only to benefit each other. This type of friend can also be described as an acquaintance. The friends of utility greet each other and conduct in small talk. But, when it comes down to being an actual friend, there is no relationship. This type of relationship is easily broken. When one person does not benefit the other or something in somebody’s life changes, there will be no need for you two to stay in each other’s lives. For example, say you visit the same tutor every week. However, you meet a new tutor who has cheaper prices and betterShow MoreRelatedHistorical Events That Took Place During The Classical Period1458 Words   |  6 PagesWorld Literature I Historically Significant Influences of Aristotle During the Classical Period, 500-232 BCE, Greece was at the peak of its political and cultural achievement. This was also a time of war, most noteworthy being the vast empire created by Alexander the Great. In a period containing such an immense amount of historical significance there is no doubting that it had influenced the people born. 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