Monday, January 6, 2020

A Dystopian Society Is An Imbalance Between The Government...

Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany Luigi Zavala Ms. Underhill 6 HELA 21 November 2016 Thesis Statement: A dystopian society is an imbalance between the government and the people and how their choices affect the society in a bad way; Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany is a very good example of a dystopian society. By analyzing Nazi Germany and Hitler’s tyranny, one can notice Adolf’s changes in Germany, his impacts on people, and how the genres of literature can be taught through dystopia. Outline Introductory Paragraph with thesis Changes Adolf Hitler made Took over the government Started World War II Castigated Jews Impacts on the people Followed by Germans Conquered many countries Killed millions Genres of literature as educational tools Novel Autobiography Historical nonfiction Closing Dystopian societies are in the real world today and have been before. Many of them can vary in severity but all of them are terrible. A dystopian society is an imbalance between the government and the people and how their choices affect the society in a bad way; Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany is a very good example of a dystopian society. By analyzing Nazi Germany and Hitler’s tyranny, one can notice Adolf’s changes in Germany, his impacts on people, and how the genres of literature can be taught through dystopia. Hitler took over Germany’s government, and he had changed Germany very dramatically in bad and good ways. Because the Nazi party was one of the biggestShow MoreRelatedBrave New World By Aldous Huxley1778 Words   |  8 Pagesconsidered of lesser value to society than those who spend their time consuming. On the Savage Reservation, John’s mother Linda teaches him to read, making them the only two literate members of this society. John is ridiculed and even abused by his peers for having this skill, but in his eyes he is superior to them. 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